the trip you take for you

Soul-centered retreats with a magical blend of adventure, culture, women’s circles, wild excursions, sound healing, rest + sacred ceremony to guide one back to the divine light within.


Welcome to Sun + Soul Retreats, where you leave your worries at the door to embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Whether you seek relaxation, mindfulness, or adventure, our array of holistic experiences and excursions are tailored to empower + reconnect you to your true Self.

At Sun + Soul Retreats, we meticulously plan every detail to ensure a truly transformative experience. Nestled in quaint and unique locations, our retreats provide the perfect oasis for indulging in delicious local-inspired meals, relaxing, connecting, and sacred ceremony.

Each excursion is designed with a unique intention to evoke different aspects of your being—an opportunity to reconnect with your inner child, a thrilling experience to embrace your power and strength, and an exploration of the local culture, allowing you to immerse yourself in the heart of the town we call home for the week.

During your stay, you can expect empowering classes that invoke self-acceptance and love, along with ample downtime to unwind by the pool or beach.

Most importantly, you'll find yourself surrounded by a wonderful community of like-minded women, ensuring that you'll always have a companion for an impromptu adventure.

Join us for a week to see a different corner of the world, rediscover parts of yourself you’ve forgotten, make some friends for life, and strengthen the most important relationship you’ll ever have—the one with you :)

Upcoming Retreats

Sun + Soul: Levanto, Italy

May 17-24th, 2025

Sun + Soul: Levanto, Italy Round 2

May 28- June 4th, 2025

Goddess Reclamation Retreat: Xinalani, Mexico

October 25-November 1st, 2025

Inner Child Retreat: TBD, Sri Lanka

September 1st-9th, 2025

Dragons + Fairyland: TBD, Slovenia

September 14th-22nd, 2025


Past Retreats: